How can I store bitcoins securely?

How can I store bitcoins securely?

Primarily, the bitcoins can be stored directly on your system, because they are real money. In fact, the motivation for targeted and sophisticated attacks against your computer is very high. That’s why the bitcoins are necessary to store you money very safely. It does not matter on how much precautions you take, but it is very hard to ensure that your type of wallet is reasonably secure on the internet, which connects computer. Usually, the bitcoins can be directly stored on your system, because it is real money. Nowadays, there are lots of ways available to safe your bitcoins against the attacks that include:

  • You can use a hardware wallet in the name of TREZOR. This hardware wallet contains two functions that help to store your bitcoins in a particular device, because it is specially intended to be very simple as well as extremely resistant to the normal range of attacks.
  • Make a cold storage wallet by using Bit key. This cold storage wallet can generate and keep storing the private wallet keys in a clean air gapped system. You can ensure to use the air gapped wallet correctly and make sure it is completely safe from the internet threats such as hackers and viruses. However, this wallet is very tedious, so you have to remember that the security is almost very important at the convenient cost too.

Securing your wallet on bitcoin

In real life, you must be secured your wallet. The bitcoin always makes it possible to transfer the value anywhere more easily and also allows you to control your money. This amazing feature also comes with the excellent security concerns. Now, the bitcoin is providing a high level of security to the users, if use it correctly. You should also remember that it is your main responsibility to adopt the best practices to protect your money. Below are the awesome ways to secure your wallet that includes:

  • You have to be very careful with the online services
  • Spend only small amount for daily uses
  • Backup your wallet in a safe place
  • Make sure to encrypt the backups online
  • Use several secure locations
  • Make the regular backups
  • Never forget a password and use strong password
  • Use offline wallet for savings
  • Make sure to keep your software up to date
  • Multi-signature also helps you to protect against theft
  • You must think about your testament


Use different wallets to store bitcoins

Normally, the bitcoin wallets can always store the private keys that allow you to access the bitcoin address as well as spend your funds. These bitcoins now come in a wide variety of forms, which are specially designed for various kinds of devices. However, it is very important to safe as well as back up your bitcoin wallet. Presently, there are different types of wallets to store the bitcoins such as,

  • Desktop wallets
  • Online wallets
  • Mobile wallets
  • Ledger USB wallets
  • Hardware wallets
  • Paper wallets


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